Hair Loss Prevention


Your hair needs daily care and balanced regimen to stay healthy. Poor nutrition, hormonal changes, stress and harmful products play a major role in loss of hair over time. Our Hair Loss Prevention service begins with a comprehensive hair and scalp analysis that is used to understand hair type, behavior and needs. Once our experts identify the concern, we create a holistic solution package and offer services and products to take care of your problems.

Hair Free For Men


Removal of unwanted hair through conventional methods like shaving or waxing is cumbersome, painful and just a temporary solution, which is why permanent hair reduction using Laser comes as a much-needed relief because the procedure is rapid, gentle on the skin and takes care of unwanted hair once and for all
Focus Areas:Ear lobes, Nose, Mid Brow, Under Arm, Chest, Abdomen and other body parts.

Pigmentation Reduction

The beard has always come in handy for hiding a blemish or two, but the practical man goes for long-term solutions, not three-day-long distractions. Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Pigmentation Reduction is the solution for all your blemish concerns.


A man’s skin is as unique as the man himself. A careful examination of the skin by our in-house doctor will reveal whether your skin concerns are superficial, mixed or deep, which in turn will determine the combination of products best suited to your needs. Prepare to love what you see … at the end of this service, your skin tone is relaxed and even-toned, visibly happier


This is a must in order to determine the level of intensity your skin needs from a peel. The skin is prepared with a pre-peel cleanser, after which the chosen peel is applied on a limited area of your face. Our skin practitioner will look out for any visible signs of irritation (redness), while you note how comfortable the product feels on your skin. If your skin accepts the peel, you are ready for your first appointment, keeping a minimum gap of 3 days. If in these 3 days you have more questions, feel free to have another chat with the doctor.


Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Pigmentation Reduction therapy has been designed for flexibility, given the wide range of blemishes skin is prone to. Once the skin is prepped, a combination of various peels (anti-ageing, deep-nourishing or Vit C, among others) will be used to bring about the desired result. To wind down, a sunscreen compatible with your skin type will be used in combination with either a Vitamin C formula or a pigment reducing gel. A minimum of 6 sessions with 15-day gaps is recommended.


Recommended for : men who want to flaunt smooth even-toned skin
Optimum Results : 6 sessions
Recommended Gap : 15 days for the treatment sessions and 1 month for the follow-ups

Anti-Tanning Solution

Whether you’re out at work or play, or even sitting at home near the window, the sun gets to you. And tanning goes beyond our everyday beauty concerns – it indicates sun damage. Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic innovation has come up with a solution that doubles the power of our organic fairness therapy with the revolutionary water jet technology. Damaged skin needs deep nourishment and this is what sets Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Anti-Tanning Solution apart from the rest.


We start off with a healthy dose of Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Jet M machine to flush out all hidden toxins and follow it up with the fruit peel that heals pigmentation, nourishes skin and delays wrinkle formation. To further release pores from blockages is a quick comedone extraction, backed up by a cooling, de-stressing Aloe Vera gel massage. The treatment is rounded off with Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Insta-Brightening Micro Mask, and boosted with Micro patch technology application to break down melanin in your skin. Giving you a quick and powerful de-pigmentation effect.


Our anti-tanning solution is designed to give super-fast results. In 60 short minutes, you have visibly brighter skin. For long-term de-tanning, i.e., skin that is two shades lighter, 6 quick sessions is all you need. Be happy, love what you see.
*Conditions apply. Results may vary.

Skin Lightening

No matter how much you try to scrub, wash and moisturize your face, without professional knowledge and products you won’t possibly see much of a difference.
Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic has designed a Skin Lightening program which will help you to achieve that clear glowing skin you have always been looking for.
In a four step program, it makes your skin systematically lighter, smoother and more even toned.


1. Doctor Consultation
2. Peel Test
3. The Service
4. Follow-up


It’s important that your needs and expectations match the treatment at hand. A chat with our dermatologist will reveal the process and answer all your questions.


A must-in-order to determine the intensity level your skin needs from a peel. To start off, your skin is prepared with a pre-peel cleanser and the peel is applied on a limited area of your face. While our practitioner looks out for signs of irritation (redness), you can note how comfortable the product feels on your skin. If your skin accepts the peel- you’re ready to begin within 3 days. If you have any questions in these 3 days, feel free to have another chat with our doctor.


Skin lightening is best achieved with a combination of two peels. An anti-ageing peel is applied, followed by a cold compress. When the skin is completely refreshed, a Vitamin C peel containing natural chamomile extracts is thoroughly massaged into the skin for deep nourishment. This needs two hours to work its magic, after which you can wash it off according to the skin practitioner’s recommendation.
This needs to be repeated at least twice (if your skin is blemish-free) with 15-day gaps.


For long-lasting results, monthly sessions need to be done for the next 6 months, after which it is up to the doctor to assess the progress and determine if more sessions are necessary.


Recommended for: men who want a skin lightening solution more permanent than fairness creams Optimum Results in: 9 sessions (3 service sessions + 6 follow-up sessions) Recommended Gap: 15 days for the service sessions and 1 month for the follow-ups

Age Control Solution For Men

Time and Skin make for a bad match. As the years roll by, late nights can be unforgiving, stress shows up with a neon sign, and friends start suggesting we take some time off. But Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic has zeroed in on the perfect ways to turn the clock back on lines, age spots and pigmentation. A chat with our dermatologist will guide you to the right choice for your skin.
A host of solutions are available to choose from, basis your skin’s specific anti aging need.

1. Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic Revitalize – to moisturise the deeper layers of the skin
2. Face Firming – to boost the skin’s natural abilities to produce collagen
3. Face Tightening – to boost the skin’s elasticity


With age, skin loses the battle against free radicals created by everyday elements like sunshine, exercise and eating habits. Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s offering pumps moisture and antioxidants into the skin’s deepest layers to reverse these years of damage, rejuvenating it completely.

Within 75 minutes, Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Revitalize stimulates your facial muscles with the help of Micro current technology- pumping up cell metabolism, expelling blackheads and toxins and ultimately leaving the skin deeply cleansed. Added to this is our Antioxidant Boosters, with milk peel extracts. Rounded off with a rehydration mask to leave you with silky smooth skin.


Scientifically designed for optimum results, Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Revitalize affects the skin at the cellular level, leaving it significantly toned, reducing puffiness around the eyes. Added to this is our milk peel extracts to reduce tanning and pigmentation and our rehydration mask for skin radiance. To reveal is a skin that is literally younger and refreshed at the cellular level.


Collagen is your skin’s best friend. It is single-handedly responsible for keeping the skin plump and supple. Our skin has natural collagen producing abilities which get worn down over time. Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic’s Skin Tightening solution aims to boost exactly this ability, so that the skin remains youthful at all times.
Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic has harnessed the latest in laser technology to stimulate the production of collagen in your skin. Post this session, our experts will design a customised skincare regime for you, which will be determined after a thorough understanding of your needs and expectations.


An immediate result is the formation of new collagen which, by softening and plumping up the skin, fills out lines and gives a smoother appearance to your face. If, at the recommendation of our experts, you choose to have a few more sessions of Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic Skin Tightening, your facial contours will become more firmly defined, topped with significantly better skin texture.

Acne Free

Acne can be both embarrassing and painful. For it isn’t just a ‘closely packed group of pimples’- it’s a complicated skin condition and comprehensive cure needs to look into factors beyond the basic oil + dirt combination clogging the pores. And above all, each acne type is different- which is why our we first analyzes your skin and recommends a customized cure


1.Doctor Consultation
2.Peel Test
3.The Service


Your acne may be the common variety that plagues teens, the result of incompatible face products, or compounded by inevitable skin-scratching. Whichever it is- our dermatologists will know. And the intensity of the acne will help determine the facial peels needed to treat it.


A simple test to determine the intensity level your skin needs from a peel. Through a pre-peel cleansing application, our skin expert analyzes how suitable your skin is for this peel treatment. If your skin accepts the peel- you’re ready to begin within 3 days. If you have any questions in these 3 days, feel free to have another chat with our doctor.


A comprehensive six step customized therapy, completely recommendation based, depending on the dermatologist’s recommendation is rendered to you. Your acne type decides the intensity and duration of the therapy that you would undergo.

1. Mild Acne :Mild acne is marked by a predominance of comedones or pore blockages and no scarring.
2. Moderate Acne :Skin that has a significant number of pus-filled eruptions in addition to pore blockages is termed ‘moderate’. The skin may or may not be scarred.
3. Severe Acne :When the acne develops to the point where the skin contains visible cysts or nodules, along with scarring, it is termed severe. This acne might be painful as well, depending on how severe it is.
In the severest cases of acne, treatment will be determined at the doctor’s discretion.


More often than not, acne is caused by bacterial infection within the body. To combat this, oral antibiotics are a must for internal healing. In severe cases, hormone therapy might also be needed, and our dermatologists will guide you accordingly.

Regular Skin Care


The 21st century is no time to leave the good looks to women. Looks affect everything from promotion prospects to good store service. As a man used to years of soap-and-water basics, you know your skin is craving some pampering – the penetrative cleansing of aqua sprays, the purification of tea tree oil and the nourishing stimulation of natural fruit masks.

But how do you choose the right skin service when everything offered to you at your salon seems to be the same as offered to women? Surely your skin is different!

Dip into our range of skincare rituals specially designed for the male skin. Whether it is a regular cleansing or that extra special something to make it glow, We will give you exactly what you need. After all, why should women have all the care?


Basic doesn’t have to be boring. Exfoliation-stimulation-rejuvenation is the regular fix needed for great skin, and Facial for Men, designed for regular skincare, delivers it with extra care.

First, the surface layer of dead cells is scrubbed out. The fresh skin that comes forth is stimulated and nourished through a massage. Finally, the skin is treated to a pamper mask. Whether it’s a vitalizing fruit or a deep-nourishing hydration mask or even an almond peel – We will help you choose depending upon your skin type.

In 45 minutes, your skin is smooth, bright and clear. Over time with regular home care your skin will be visibly firmer and thus, younger.


Does it worry you sometimes that you’re starting late on skincare, that whatever you do now is too little, too late? Worry not, for Facial Glow presents an opportunity to reverse years of neglect with rejuvenating crystals.

First, the skin is prepped with a quick scrub that removes dead cells and any grime that might have built up in the pores. After which comes the royal treatment – a shower of oxidising crystals that penetrate the skin, infusing its inner layers with life-giving oxygen. This in itself improves circulation and encourages the body’s natural collagen-producing abilities.

By the end of this session, your skin feels fresh and firm. By the end of 4 sessions, your pores are tight and your skin, firm and renewed.


Every now and then, your skin will need to go beyond the basics. At times like those, a deep skin cleansing is the best thing you can gift your skin.

The gentle stimulation of a soothing massage is only a prelude to the real deal: the cool spray of aqua jet that penetrates the skin and infuses much-needed nutrients into the underlying tissues. Whether your skin is in desperate need of a glow or anti-oxidants, strength or hydration, our skin specialists will help you understand its cravings. Round this off with one of our pamper masks – rejuvenating cocoa, purifying tea tree or insta-glow – and the results are there for all to see.

Immediately, your skin will feel fresh and new. Over a period of time, it will actually be fresh and new, for aqua jet stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen.