Skin Lightening

No matter how much you try to scrub, wash and moisturize your face, without professional knowledge and products you won’t possibly see much of a difference.
Dr. Riinkle’s Clinic has designed a Skin Lightening program which will help you to achieve that clear glowing skin you have always been looking for.
In a four step program, it makes your skin systematically lighter, smoother and more even toned.


1. Doctor Consultation
2. Peel Test
3. The Service
4. Follow-up


It’s important that your needs and expectations match the treatment at hand. A chat with our dermatologist will reveal the process and answer all your questions.


A must-in-order to determine the intensity level your skin needs from a peel. To start off, your skin is prepared with a pre-peel cleanser and the peel is applied on a limited area of your face. While our practitioner looks out for signs of irritation (redness), you can note how comfortable the product feels on your skin. If your skin accepts the peel- you’re ready to begin within 3 days. If you have any questions in these 3 days, feel free to have another chat with our doctor.


Skin lightening is best achieved with a combination of two peels. An anti-ageing peel is applied, followed by a cold compress. When the skin is completely refreshed, a Vitamin C peel containing natural chamomile extracts is thoroughly massaged into the skin for deep nourishment. This needs two hours to work its magic, after which you can wash it off according to the skin practitioner’s recommendation.
This needs to be repeated at least twice (if your skin is blemish-free) with 15-day gaps.


For long-lasting results, monthly sessions need to be done for the next 6 months, after which it is up to the doctor to assess the progress and determine if more sessions are necessary.


Recommended for: men who want a skin lightening solution more permanent than fairness creams Optimum Results in: 9 sessions (3 service sessions + 6 follow-up sessions) Recommended Gap: 15 days for the service sessions and 1 month for the follow-ups

Skin Lightening

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